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Spicy Stir-fried Pork Slices (Jeyuk Bokkeum 제육볶음)

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Spicy Stir-fried Pork Slices (Jeyuk Bokkeum 제육볶음)

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Adjust Servings:
450 g Pork Belly, sliced
1 pc Brown Onion; sliced
4 stalks Spring Onion; chopped 5cm
1/4 Cup Gochujang
1 Tbsp Soy sauce
1 Tbsp Sugar
2 Tbsp Red Pepper Powder
1/4 Tsp Black Pepper Powder
5 cloves Garlic; crushed
1 Tsp Ginger; grated
1 Tbsp Sesame oil
1 Tsp Sesame Seed


  • Seasoning

  • Garnish



Tried this long time ago but forgotten about it until recent trip to Seoul. It was so nice and flavorful. Goes extremely well with rice. Pork belly slices with good ratio of fat and lean, mildly spicy from gochujang, sweetness from sauce mixture and onions. Yum Yum. Serve this as a main dish with some other sides. Eat with plenty of lettuce in place of rice to cut down on carbs. Double points!



Recipe adapted from Maangchi. Thank you!



Stir Fry Pork

Have all ingredients prepared before hand.

Heat up a pan over medium high heat. Once hot, add pork, sesame oil, gochujang, red pepper powder, soy sauce, sugar and black pepper. Stir to combine seasonings evenly.

Then add garlic, ginger, onions and spring onions. Stir and cook for another 12 mins. Till pork has fully cooked through, still a little juicy and seasoning sauces thicken darken around the pork.

This dish is now ready. Serve with white rice, kimchi, and some lettuce.


Quick Udon Soup
Rice Cooker Mustard Green Rice (Gai Choy Fan 芥菜饭)
Quick Udon Soup
Rice Cooker Mustard Green Rice (Gai Choy Fan 芥菜饭)

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